Transparency is one of the values of the Brazil Climate Center. In this section you can find detailed information about reporting, impact assessment, internal policies and procedures, and more. Check out our behind-the-scenes information, to learn even more about how CBC works to generate impact in the climate fight.

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The CBC created its official diversity and inclusion policy in 2020, designed to ensure alignment with the most current practices and global discussions on guaranteeing rights, reducing inequalities, and increasing the representativeness of different social groups.

  1. Context

The Brazil Climate Center understands that the personnel structure in Brazilian organizations, in general, does not reflect the country’s demographic composition in terms of gender and race, as well as traditionally marginalized groups, such as LGBTs and people with disabilities. Women represent more than half of the population, which is also mostly made up of black and brown people. This lack of representation tends to get worse when it comes to leadership positions, where there is an even smaller presence of people from these groups.

This condition is the result of a historical process in which women and black and brown people have been excluded from the country’s decision-making bodies (for example, with delays in obtaining the right to vote), and in which public policies have not been adopted that seek to reverse a situation of inequality that has been built over centuries. In the climate agenda this situation is particularly complex, since climate change tends to affect different social groups differently – women and black and brown people are among those in the most vulnerable condition and, consequently, are likely to be the most impacted.

We understand that overcoming this condition will only be possible through actions that promote equity in access to opportunities, aiming to gradually eliminate the profound differences that currently exist, with the goal of reaching a situation of equality in our society. This work can be translated through the motto: “equity as a process, equality as a product”.

The Brazil Climate Center seeks to be a reference when it comes to inclusion. Since the year 2019 counting on its board women and people from peripheral communities. Half of the Board of Directors of the Brazil Center on Climate is composed of women, and the same applies to the body of project coordinators. On the other hand, we recognize the need to advance further with regard to other sexual orientations, gender identity and issues, and especially racial inclusion.

Through this document, the Brazil Center on Climate expresses its intention to adopt actions that contribute to the promotion of diversity and inclusion in the institution and in the country, whether through the approach adopted in the work and events developed by CBC, in the process of selecting people, or through the daily practices of its members.


As a way to implement its diversity and inclusion policy, the Brazil Climate Center foresees a set of actions to be implemented in order to reach the goal of contributing to the promotion of gender and race equity.

  • Maintain a committee that will be responsible for the institution’s diversity and inclusion policy;
  • Promote internal discussions about diversity and inclusion;
  • Adopt diversity and inclusion criteria in the selection processes;
  • Constantly update and monitor the institution’s figures regarding the integration of gender and race in its workforce;
  • Create a diversity and inclusion program for the institution with short, medium, and long-term actions.

Check out the detailed information about CBC’s performance and impact, in our institutional reports produced annually starting in 2021.

Management Report (PT)

Management Report (ENG)