
The Centro Brasil no Clima (CBC) was founded in 2015, as an offshoot of Rio Clima 2012, a major side event to the Rio+20 Conference that brought together experts from more than 14 countries and formulated a platform of five major recommendations delivered to the delegations attending the UN Conference.

The earliest origins of CBC had been the Brazil on Climate demonstrations in Rio de Janeiro in 2007 and 2009, before the Bali and Copenhagen Climate Conferences, respectively. The second demonstration, in particular, gathered more than 5 thousand people and had influence on the Brazilian position at COP15, held in the same year and which, for the first time, included some kind of emissions reduction target.

The group that gave rise to CBC was composed of experts from different nationalities, scientists, researchers, and strategic institutions, who carry out in-depth studies, generate knowledge, and work on the formulation of instruments to tackle climate change. In the years that preceded the formalization of CBC as an institution, this notorious group contributed with several in-depth studies and workshops aimed at decarbonizing the economy and creating public policies that encourage actions and possible ways to curb the climate crisis and its socio-environmental impacts. Among the highlights, the side event to COP20 (2014) and the editions of the Rio Climate Challenge in 2012, 2013 and 2015 – the latter in preparation for COP21, held the same year.

Other events held after the creation of the CBC are also worth mentioning:
– Project SPIPA (2018/2019)
– Capixaba Climate Change Forum (2019)
– Amapaense Forum on Climate Change and Environmental Services (2019)
– Amazon Region Governors Meeting (2019)
– Strategic Meeting on Climate Challenges (2020)
– 1st International Governors for Climate Meeting (2020)

In the field of impact actions, the campaign Ratifica Já! (from 2016, which achieved in the record time of two months the ratification of the Paris Agreement in Brazil), the Governors for Climate (established in 2020, which brings together Brazilian states around concrete commitments for climate action), and the interfaith act “Faith in Climate” (organized in 2018) are some examples of the capacity for political articulation, national influence, and strategic action that are part of the pillars of the CBC.

From June 2019 to April 2020, the CBC implemented initiatives at the subnational level, based on consistent academic research and studies. From the development of political bridges with governors and secretaries, the first steps were taken to create the Governors for Climate movement and the creation and reactivation of State Forums, together with ABEMA. These processes and actions are further consolidated throughout 2021.

Among articles, studies, and publications, the book “Moving the Trillions” (Alfredo Sirkis, Jean Charles Hourcade, Rogério Studart et Al.), from 2018, which raises the debate on positive pricing of mitigation actions, and the study Carbon Neutral Brazil 2060, prepared in the also in 2018, in partnership with universities, which shows possible paths to the so-called Net Zero, that is, zero net carbon emissions, are worth mentioning.

In July 2020, the book Descarbonários, his last work, a relevant account of his legacy and other stories, was published by CBC founder and then Executive Director Alfredo Sirkis.

2021 - November

CBC has an outstanding role at COP26 (Glasgow, Scotland), organizing the participation of 11 governors at the Conference, and also being invited as a relevant stakeholder to meetings with Prince Charles (UK) and with the former US president, Barack Obama.

2021 - April

CBC articulates a letter from Brazilian governors to US President Joe Biden, during the Climate Summit, held by Biden on April 22 (celebration of Earth Day). The document was delivered in a ceremony to the then US ambassador to Brazil, Todd Chapman.

2020 - October

The Governors for Climate coalition is officially formed through the 1st International Governors for Climate Meeting, held in October 2020.

2020 - September

Guilherme Syrkis takes over as CBC’s executive director, bringing new ideas such as the creation of the institution’s Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the formation of the Fiscal Council.

2020 - July

Launch of the book Descarbonário, by Alfredo Sirkis, a sequel to the book Os Carbonários, released in 1998.


CBC focuses on knowledge generation, with emphasis on the Carbono Zero Brasil 2060 study, presented to the Brazilian Presidency, which shows possible paths to net zero carbon emissions.


The Ratifica Já! campaign, led by CBC, managed to get the Brazilian government to ratify the Paris Agreement in a record two months period.


CBC is founded under the leadership of renowned environmentalist Alfredo Sirkis, its first executive director.